Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



Low Input Promoter Capture Hi-C: a method to decipher the molecular mechanism underlying non-coding alterations and structural variants

Sala Josep Marull (Dr. Aiguader, 80) a les 14:00h

Us convidem al pròxim IMIM Seminar organitzat pel Programa de Cancer, que tindrà lloc el dimecres 12/04/2023 a les 14:00 h. El títol serà "Low Input Promoter Capture Hi-C: a method to decipher the molecular mechanism underlying non-coding alterations and structural variants" i anirà a càrrec de Biola M. Javierre, PhD. Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) & Institute for Health Science Research Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP).


We invite you to the next IMIM Seminar organized by the Cancer Program, which will take place on Wednesday 12 April 2023 at 14:00 h. The title will be "Low Input Promoter Capture Hi-C: a method to decipher the molecular mechanism underlying non-coding alterations and structural variants", by Biola M. Javierre, PhD. Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) & Institute for Health Science Research Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP).


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