Research Grants and Transfer of Results



In 2017, IMIM submitted a total of 407 research grant applications.

A total of 94 agreements have been signed with private companies to carry out services or for sponsorship and 148 agreements have been signed for carrying out clinical trials for an overall sum of six million euros.

Grants for Projects

Two of the projects submitted in the competitive calls for applications by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) on CHALLENGES and EXCELLENCE have received provisional approval.

Of the 49 project applications submitted to calls for research projects in health by the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII), 17 projects have been obtained - a 34% success rate, which is a little higher than the average for Spain. We have also managed to maintain participation in the platforms funded by ISCIII on Biobanks and ITEMAS.

Funding was obtained for one project in the “2017 Grants for Cancer Research” call for applications by the Spanish Cancer Association (AECC).

A total of 36 groups submitted applications for grants to support the activities of the AGAUR Research Groups.

In 2017, the Department of Health of the Catalan government has issued a decision on the call for grant applications in health care as part of the Strategic Plan for Research and Innovation in Health Care (PERIS), and the center obtained a total of 20 grants from the PERIS call: 6 proposals for increasing nursing personnel, 4 for taking on technical and scientific staff, and 4 projects aimed at research in primary care.

In the call for applications as program coordinators, 1 program was awarded in personalized medicine, 1 in regenerative medicine, 2 in independent clinical research, 2 in cohort studies, as well as participation as subprojects in 2 programs coordinated by other centers.

Different proposals have been submitted for the 2018 PERIS call for applications and have received provisional decisions. The following grants have been obtained: 2 agreements for increasing nursing and physiotherapy personnel, 4 agreements for increasing medical personnel, 3 agreements for taking on technical and scientific staff, and 1 project aimed at research in mental health as project coordinator, and participation in 5 more projects.

Two European projects will be implemented: one IMI project and one H2020 project. Furthermore, 2 more projects have received approval: one IMI project and one H2020 project.

Personnel Grants

In terms of personnel grants, the hiring of one researcher was approved by means of a Juan de la Cierva training grant. A predoctoral FPU candidate has also been incorporated.

The following were funded in the ISCIII human resources calls for applications: 1 personnel increase, 2 Rio Hortega post-residence grant, 2 Sara Borrell postdoc, 3 PFIS predoctoral and 1 Miguel Servet I researcher, and 2 researchers have moved to Miguel Servet II.

In relation to internal calls for grants by IMIM using its own funds, management of the intensification programme, funded with €57,000, has made it possible to intensification for two doctors from Hospital del Mar. A Jordi Gras grant has also been awarded for training in research for doctors who will finish their residence in 2017.

Furthermore, the call for applications for a grant for training in foreign research centres for specialist medical personnel at Parc de Salut Mar has been issued and the grant awarded for the fourth year running.

Figure 1, below, shows the grants obtained, by area:

Grants awarded in 2017, by areas

Transfer of Results

One patent obtained a PCT extension and two patents have entered national phases.

The initiative Clubs de la Innovació (Innovation Clubs) has been maintained; this an interdisciplinary meeting space that brings together monthly personnel from PSMAR and the IMIM Foundation who are interested in innovation, with the aim of discovering new experiences and seeking out synergies.

This year, the Innovation Unit was accredited with the UNE166.002:2014 quality certification.




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