Health Services

Research group

Group Leader

Jordi Alonso Caballero

Our research focuses on methods for measuring perceived health, disability, and patient-reported outcomes (PROs). Our main lines of research apply these methods to assessing the burden of mental disorders and to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of interventions in chronic diseases, in particular cancer and asthma. Our research is carried out in collaboration with several international research networks. Knowledge transfer is also an important focus for the group, with a leading role in BiblioPRO, the online library of PROs in Spanish, containing more than 1,700 instruments. We are engaged in a number of educational and mentoring activities: the Master’s programme in Public Health, the degree in Medicine, and other official education programmes from both the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and the PSMAR Teaching Unit of Specialists in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Our team comprises about 20 professionals with different backgrounds such as life sciences, psychology, statistics, and others, and is part of the CIBER in Epidemiology and Public Health (Carlos III Health Institute), and it is recognized as a Consolidated Research Group by AGAUR (DIUE, Generalitat de Catalunya).




Alfonso Antón López (Researcher)

Montserrat Ferrer Forés (Researcher)

Carlos García Forero (Researcher)

Olatz Garin Boronat (Researcher)

Marcos Martí Pastor (Researcher)

Yolanda Pardo Cladellas (Researcher)

Gemma Vilagut Saiz (Researcher)

Laura Ballester Coma (PhD Student)

Karina Mayoral Ortiz (PhD Student)

Itxaso Alayo Bueno (Technician)

David John Macfarlane Self (Technician)

Àngels Pont Acuña (Technician)

Purificación Barbas López (Research Assistant)

Carme Gasull Planes (Research Assistant)

Luisa Aurea Martín Morris (Research Assistant)


Main Publications

• Degenhardt L, Glantz M, Evans-Lacko S, Sadikova E, Sampson N, Thornicroft G, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Bruffaerts R, Bunting B, Bromet EJ, Caldas de Almeida JM, de Girolamo G, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Huang Y, Karam A, Karam EG, Kiejna A, Lee S, Lepine JP, Levinson D, Medina-Mora ME, Nakamura Y, Navarro-Mateu F, Pennell BE, Posada-Villa J, Scott K, Stein DJ, ten Have M, Torres Y, Zarkov Z, Chatterji S, Kessler RC, World Health Organization's World Mental Health Surveys collaborators. Estimating treatment coverage for people with substance use disorders: an analysis of data from the World Mental Health Surveys. World Psychiatry 2017; 16(3): 299-307. IF 26.561. D1.

• Bromet EJ, Nock MK, Saha S, Lim CCW, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Borges G, Bruffaerts R, Degenhardt L, de Girolamo G, de Jonge P, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, He Y, Hu C, Karam EG, Kovess-Masfety V, Lee S, Lepine JP, Mneimneh Z, Navarro-Mateu F, Ojagbemi A, Posada-Villa J, Sampson NA, Scott KM, Stagnaro JC, Viana MC, Xavier M, Kessler RC, McGrath JJ, World Health Organization World Mental Health Survey Collaborators. Association Between Psychotic Experiences and Subsequent Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: A Cross-National Analysis From the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. JAMA Psychiatry 2017; 74(11): 1136-1144. IF 15.307. D1.

• Liu H, Petukhova MV, Sampson NA, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Bromet EJ, de Girolamo G, Haro JM, Hinkov H, Kawakami N, Koenen KC, Kovess-Masfety V, Lee S, Medina-Mora ME, Navarro-Mateu F, O'Neill S, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Scott KM, Shahly V, Stein DJ, ten Have M, Torres Y, Gureje O, Zaslavsky AM, Kessler RC, World Health Organization World Mental Health Survey Collaborators.. Association of DSM-IV Posttraumatic Stress Disorder With Traumatic Experience Type and History in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. JAMA Psychiatry 2017; 74(3): 270-281. IF 15.307. D1.

• Ruscio AM, Hallion LS, Lim CC, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Borges G, Bromet EJ, Bunting B, Caldas de Almeida JM, Demyttenaere K, Florescu S, de Girolamo G, Gureje O, Haro JM, He Y, Hinkov H, Hu C, De Jonge P, Karam EG, Lee S, Lepine JP, Levinson D, Mneimneh Z, Navarro-Mateu F, Posada-Villa J, Slade T, Stein DJ, Torres Y, Uda H, Wojtyniak B, Kessler RC, Chatterji S, Scott KM. Cross-sectional Comparison of the Epidemiology of DSM-5 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across the Globe. JAMA Psychiatry 2017; 74(5): 465-475. IF 15.307. D1.

• Stein DJ, Lim CCW, Roest AM, De Jonge P, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Benjet C, Bromet EJ, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Harris MG, He Y, Hinkov H, Horiguchi I, Hu C, Karam A, Karam EG, Lee S, Lepine JP, Navarro-Mateu F, Pennell BE, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, ten Have M, Torres Y, Viana MC, Wojtyniak B, Xavier M, Kessler RC, Scott KM, WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators. The cross-national epidemiology of social anxiety disorder: Data from the World Mental Health Survey Initiative. BMC Med 2017; 15: 143. IF 7.901. D1.

• Castellví P, Miranda-Mendizábal A, Parés O, Almenara J, Alonso I, Blasco-Cubedo MJ, Cebrià A, Gabilondo A, Gili M, Lagares C, Piqueras JA, Roca M, Rodríguez-Marín J, Rodríguez-Jiménez T, Soto-Sanz V, Alonso J. Exposure to violence, a risk for suicide in youths and young adults. A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2017; 135(3): 195-211. IF 6.79. D1.

• Navarro-Mateu F, Alonso J, Lim CCW, Saha S, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Andrade LH, Bromet EJ, Bruffaerts R, Chatterji S, Degenhardt L, de Girolamo G, De Jonge P, Fayyad J, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Hu C, Karam EG, Kovess-Masfety V, Lee S, Medina-Mora ME, Ojagbemi A, Pennell BE, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Scott KM, Stagnaro JC, Xavier M, Kendler KS, Kessler RC, McGrath JJ, WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators. The association between psychotic experiences and disability: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2017; 136(1): 74-84. IF 6.79. D1.

• McGrath JJ, Saha S, Lim CCW, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Bromet EJ, Bruffaerts R, Caldas de Almeida JM, Cardoso G, de Girolamo G, Fayyad J, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Kawakami N, Koenen KC, Kovess-Masfety V, Lee S, Lepine JP, McLaughlin KA, Medina-Mora ME, Navarro-Mateu F, Ojagbemi A, Posada-Villa J, Sampson N, Scott KM, Tachimori H, ten Have M, Kendler KS, Kessler RC, WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators. Trauma and psychotic experiences: transnational data from the World Mental Health Survey. Br J Psychiatry 2017; 211(6): 373-380. IF 6.347. D1.

• Miranda-Mendizábal A, Castellví P, Parés O, Almenara J, Alonso I, Blasco-Cubedo MJ, Cebrià A, Gabilondo A, Gili M, Lagares C, Piqueras JA, Roca M, Rodríguez-Marín J, Rodríguez T, Soto-Sanz V, Vilagut G, Alonso J. Sexual orientation and suicidal behaviour in adolescents and young adults: systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Psychiatry 2017; 211(2): 77-87. IF 6.347. D1.

• McGrath JJ, McLaughlin KA, Saha S, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, De Jonge P, Esan O, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Hu C, Karam EG, Kovess-Masfety V, Lee S, Lepine JP, Lim CC, Medina-Mora ME, Mneimneh Z, Pennell BE, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Sampson N, Viana MC, Xavier M, Bromet EJ, Kendler KS, Kessler RC. The association between childhood adversities and subsequent first onset of psychotic experiences: a cross-national analysis of 23 998 respondents from 17 countries. Psychol Med 2017; 47(7): 1230-1245. IF 5.23. D1.

Ongoing Research Projects

• MOVEMBER: TrueNTH Global Registry – Prostate Cancer Outcomes

- Movember Foundation (PCO-CRV)

- From 2017 to 2019

- Principal investigator: Ferrer Forés, Montserrat

• FIS-16: Aplicación de los instrumentos PRO en España: revisión sistemática y recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI16/00130)

- From 2017 to 2019

- Principal investigator: Garin Boronat, Olatz

• PNSD-15: Trastorno por uso de alcohol y otras sustancias en estudiantes universitarios: factores de riesgo, incidencia, e impacto en la cohorte “Universal-Universidad y Salud Mental"

- Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad (2015I015)

- From 2016 to 2018

- Principal investigator: Alonso Caballero, Jordi

• ARCA: Evaluación del tratamiento con broncodilatadores de acción larga en los niños con asma: estudio observacional prospectivo

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI15/00449)

- From 2016 to 2018

- Principal investigator: Ferrer Forés, Montserrat

• FIS-15: Evaluación de la precisión diagnóstica, el coste y la utilidad del rastreo de glaucoma basado en detección guiada por imágenes, análisis automático de imágenes y telemedicina

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI15/00412)

- From 2016 to 2018

- Principal investigator: Antón López, Alfonso

• CaPROST10: Efectividad a largo plazo: Seguimiento hasta los 10 años de la cohorte del “Estudio multicéntrico español de cáncer de próstata localizado”

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI13/00412)

- From 2014 to 2018

- Principal investigator: Garin Boronat, Olatz

• Salud Mental: calibración y validación de un instrumento informatizado de evaluación de resultados percibidos por los pacientes para diagnóstico y monitorización en Salud

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI13/00506)

- From 2014 to 2018

- Principal investigator: Vilagut Sanz, Gemma

• Universal: Universidad y Salud Mental. Modelos predictivos de ideación y conducta suicida en estudiantes universitarios españoles

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI13/00343)

- From 2014 to 2018

- Principal investigator: Alonso Caballero, Jordi

• EUROQOL (EQ-5D): Coordinated study on the new version of EuroQol (EQ-5D) for use in Spain. Subproject 1: Evaluation of the metric benefits of the new EQ-5D-5L and reference standards.

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII FEDER (PI12/00772)

- From 2013 to 2017

- Principal investigator: Ferrer Forés, Montserrat


Participation in Research Networks

• CIBERESP: Epidemiología y salud pública

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (CB06/02/0046)

- Principal investigator: Alonso Caballero, Jordi

• PROMIS. Jordi Alonso is an international member of the Board of Direction of PROMIS Health Organization (PHO) (, a non-profit foundation founded in 2008 by a group of scientists funded by the NIH in the US to develop and validate the PROMIS item banks. Today it has become an international partnership to bring the "voice of the patient" the process of health care.

• WMH Surveys Initiative. Jordi Alonso is member of the Steering Committee and coordinator for Europe WHO World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys Consortium (, consisting of 150+ researchers, a multidisciplinary group of international leaders in psychiatric epidemiology research. It includes representative surveys of the general population (at national or regional level) of 30 countries, with a total sample than 154,000 people. The consortium has conducted studies, synthesis, publications and recommendations since 2000. They have published more than 800 scientific papers in international journals of high impact and published 4 books (2008-2014), Cambridge University Press.


Group’s Recognitions

• Officially recognised as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Serveis Sanitaris (2017-2019)

- Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 452)

- Principal investigator: Alonso Caballero, Jordi


Clinical Trials Signed in 2017

• Prostate Cancer Outcomes Global Initiative to Compare and Reduce Variation in Localised Prostate Cancer

- Register: PCO‐CRV

- Principal investigator: Ferrer Forés, Montserrat



• Ávila M. Comparative Effectiveness Research on Localized Prostate Cancer Treatments. Pompeu Fabra University

- Directors: Ferrer Forés, Montserrat; Alonso Caballero, Jordi

- Date of defense: 17/07/2017

- International mention: 21/02/2018

• Beltran L. The effect of race and selective laser trabeculoplasty on the aqueous humor dynamics in patients with glaucoma. Autonomous University of Barcelona

- Directors: Sheng K; Antón López, Alfonso

- Date of defense: 09/06/2017

• Vilagut G. Assessment of depression in the adult general population using self-reported measures. Psychometric approaches for screening and severity appraisal. Pompeu Fabra University

- Director: Alonso Caballero, Jordi; García Forero, Carlos

- Date of defense: 20/01/2017



• III Scientific Conference of BiblioPRO, organized and coordinated by Jordi Alonso, scientific coordinator of BiblioPRO, and Montse Ferrer, scientific co-director of BiblioPRO. February 23th, 2017. Escuela Nacional de Sanidad, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Madrid.

• SEE-CIBERESP Award to one of the best Oral Communications presented by one youth researcher (Karina Mayoral) at XXXV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) and XI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia (APE). 6-8 September 2017. Barcelona. Mayoral K, Hernández G, Pont A, Garin O, Rajmil L, Ferrer M. Validez del EQ-5D-Y en niños y adolescentes con diabetes. Gac Sanit 2017; 31 (Espec Congr): 287.

• SERMEF Award to the best work presented in the “55 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física”, Palacio Baluarte de Pamplona, 17-20 May 2017. Belmonte R, Messagi M, Ferrer M, Pont A, Tejero M, Escalada F. Pérdida de fuerza del hombro a largo plazo”.

• Jordi Alonso has been one of the Highly Cited Researchers around the world in 2016 and 2017 in the field of Psychiatry/Psychology (ranking in the 1% most cited works in this field, according to the Clarivate Analytics/Thomson Reuters yearly report). Our senior researchers achieved high cumulative citations (SCOPUS H): 95 (J. Alonso), 43 (M. Ferrer), 42 (G. Vilagut), 14 (O. Garin) and 12 (C.G. Forero).



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