Drug Abuse Epidemiology

Research group

Group Leader

Antonia Domingo Salvany

The aims of the group are to contribute to knowledge on the extent and impact of drug abuse in the population, including aspects related to violence and illegal drug market activities, and to assist in the implementation of suitable health care initiatives. With these aims in mind, the group carries out studies to assess the magnitude of drug consumption in the population, and contributes to the study of its consequences, such as psychiatric comorbidity, the presence of blood-borne infections, and impairment of health-related quality of life. We are also involved in studies that seek to evaluate instruments to detect, in different environments, substance use disorders and potential associated psychiatric problems.




Yolanda Rovira Pons (Research Assistant)

Main Publications

• Brugal MT, Molist G, Sarasa-Renedo A, de la Fuente L, Espelt A, Mesías B, Puerta C, Guitart AM, Barrio G, Spanish Working Group for the Study of Mortality among Drug Users (...Domingo-Salvany A...). Assessing gender disparities in excess mortality of heroin or cocaine users compared to the general population. Int J Drug Policy 2017; 38: 36-42. IF 3.479. Q1.

• Pulido J, Vallejo F, Alonso-López I, Regidor E, Villar F, de la Fuente L, Domingo-Salvany A, Barrio G. Directly alcohol-attributable mortality by industry and occupation in a Spanish Census cohort of economically active population. Drug Alcohol Depend 2017; 180: 93-102. IF 3.222. Q1.

• León-Gómez BB, Colell E, Villalbí JR, Barrio G, Domingo-Salvany A. Impact of smoke-free regulations on smoking prevalence trends in Spain. Eur J Public Health 2017; 27(1): 123-128. IF 2.431. Q1.

Ongoing Research Projects

• Adaptación de los instrumentos de diagnóstico de patología dual a los criterios DSM-5

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI14/00178)

- From 2015 to 2017

- Principal researcher: Domingo Salvany, Antònia


Participation in Research Networks

• Red de Trastornos Adictivos (RTA)

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (RD12/0028/0018)

- Collaborating investigator: Domingo Salvany, Antònia

- Principal researcher: Brugal Puig, Teresa




C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona

(+34) 93 316 04 00
