Genes and Diseases

Associated Research Group

Group Leader

Mara Dierssen Sotos

The Genes and Diseases Group is a CRG (Centre for Genomic Regulation) research group associated with IMIM. Our overall goal is to understand how the neuronal architecture and connectivity constrain the mesoscopic network activity and influences the flow and storage of information in neuronal circuits. Alterations in the architectural properties of the neurons are observed in most mental disorders and are assumed to be the cause of the cognitive disturbances. We focus mainly on intellectual disability and neuropsychiatric disorders, using a systems neuroscience approach that combines behavioral, computational and neurobiological analyses in mice, with the results from cellular models. Based on our understanding of the genetic and molecular circuits disturbed in intellectual disability we have participated in several clinical trial in Down syndrome (De la Torre et al, 2016) and fragile X syndrome (FRAXA Foundation).


Júlia Albaigès Ràfols (Technician)

Silvina Catuara (PhD Student)

Ilario de Toma (Researcher)

Marta Fructuoso Castellar (PhD Student)

Linus Manubens Gil (PhD Student)

María Martínez de Lagrán Cabredo (Technician)

Mireia Ortega Crespo (PhD Student)



• Xicota L. Biomarkers and cognitive function in Down syndrome: Validation for phenotyping cognitive impairment. Pompeu Fabra University

− Director: De la Torre Fornell, Rafael; Dierssen, Mara

− Date of defense: 24/10/2016

more info

C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona

(+34) 93 316 04 00