Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Tumor Development

Research group

Group Leader

Antonio García de Herreros Madueño

The group is oriented towards the study of the mechanisms controlling the acquisition of invasiveness by epithelial tumors as the first step in tumor metastasis. More specifically we study the role of E-cadherin and E-cadherin-associated proteins in this process. We focus in the relevance of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in tumor invasion as well as the co-adjuvant role of cancer-associated fibroblasts. The group is especially interested in the role of Snail1 transcriptional factor required for EMT and also for fibroblast activation. Using fibroblast deprived in this transcriptional factor as control, we use the effect of the tumoral stroma in the growth, invasion and vascularization of epithelial tumors. We are also interested in the Snail1-dependent molecular pathways in fibroblasts involved in the activation of tumor cell invasion.


Josep Baulida Estadella (Researcher)

Víctor Manuel Díaz Cortés (Researcher)

Rocco Mazzolini (Researcher)

Rubén Olivera Salguero (PhD Student)

Raúl Peña Arranz (Technician)

Laura Sala Romanyà (Technician)

Gemma Serra Bardenys (PhD Student)

Gaetano Verde (Researcher)

Jordi Vergés Sanjaime (Technician)


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Main Publications

• Alba-Castellón L, Olivera-Salguero R, Mestre-Farrera A, Peña R, Herrera M, Bonilla F, Casal JI, Baulida J, Peña C, García de Herreros A. Snail1-dependent activation of cancer-associated fibroblast controls epithelial tumor cell invasion and metastasis. Cancer Res 2016; 76(21): 6205-6217. IF 8.556. Q1.

• Díaz VM, García de Herreros A. F-box proteins: keeping the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in check. Semin Cancer Biol 2016; 36: 71-79. IF 9.955. Q1.

• Frias A, Lambies G, Viñas-Castells R, Martínez-Guillamon C, Dave N, García de Herreros A, Díaz VM. A switch in Akt isoforms is required for Notch-induced Snail1 expression and protection from cell death. Mol Cell Biol 2016; 36(6): 923-940. IF 4.427. Q1.

• Loubat J, Peña R, González N, Alba-Castellón L, Rosell S, Francí C, Navarro P, García de Herreros A. Snail1 is required for the maintenance of the pancreatic acinar phenotype. Oncotarget 2016; 7(4): 4468-4482. IF 5.008. Q1.

• Riso V, Cammisa M, Kukreja H, Anvar Z, Sparago A, Acurzio B, Lad S, Lonardo E, Sankar A, Helin K, Feil R, Fico A, Angelini C, Grimaldi G, Riccio A. ZFP57 maintains the parent-of-origin-specific expression of the imprinted genes and differentially affects non-imprinted targets in mouse embryonic stem cells. Nucleic Acids Res 2016; 44(17): 8165-78. IF 9.202. Q1.

Ongoing Research Projects

• Entendiendo el papel de Snail1 en la metástasis: análisis de la acción de los fibroblastos activos

− Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2016-76461-R)

− From 2016 to 2019

− Principal investigator: García de Herreros Madueño, Antonio


• Caracterización de dianas funcionales e inhibidores de la actividad miofibroblástica para frenar la formación de metástasis

− Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI15/00447)

− From 2016 to 2018

− Principal investigator: Baulida Estadella, Josep


• Transición epitelio-mesenquima y desarrollo tumoral: análisis de la función de Snail1 en el estroma tumoral y en la invasión de células epiteliales.

− Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2013-48849-C2-1-R)

− From 2014 to 2016

− Principal investigator: García de Herreros Madueño, Antonio


• Analysis of the Wnt-depedent control of mesenchymal stem cells differentiation

− Fundació La Marató de TV3 (120131)

− From 2013 to 2016

− Principal investigator: García de Herreros Madueño, Antonio


• Análisis del papel del estroma en el crecimiento e invasión de carcinomas de colon: identificación, caracterización y potencial clínico de marcadores de la activación estromal

− Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer

− From 2010 to 2016.

− Principal investigator: García de Herreros Madueño, Antonio

Group’s Recognitions

• Officially recognised as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Regulació dels contactes intercel·lulars a l'epiteli intestinal (2014-2017)

− Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 32)

− Principal investigator: García de Herreros Madueño, Antonio

C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona

(+34) 93 316 04 00
